Come one, come all, both strangers and friends, into the Glimmerverse we go tumbling again. Enter the Crawl Space, where Glim(@glim420), aka longtime Lapstone team member Trenton Calloway, explores the space between fantasy and reality, dreams and consciousness, where magic isn't just possible, it's possibly the key to the existence of the entire universe. "Crawl Space" is the third collection from Glim, and coincides with the release of his new album, also titled "Crawl Space", on Friday, August 9th. The collection will be available to purchase at 10:00am in-store on Wednesday, August 8th, and will feature a happy hour celebration from 4pm-7pm.
For the latest excursion into the world of Glim, Trenton brings back some familiar iconography and characters from past collections into this new four piece capsule. The collection is linked together by three benevolent spirits will be guiding us through the Crawl Space: the glabbit, the glail and the glog. This is the first time Glim is dropping all cut and sew pieces, and the quality a taken a significant step forward.
The collection features two tees: the Glabbit Tee, is the first ever black piece from Glim, and features 4 prints like all Glim t shirts. The outside front shows the glabbit, the collection name and the glim logo; the outside back shows the rabbit leaving its “crawl space”; the inside front is a huge rabbit mask that looks sick when worn reversed or when lifted up as a mask when worn right side out and the inside back is the classic glim butter care instructions( pay attention to what’s on the plate this is always an easter egg hinting at the next collection). The Glail Tee is a white tee with the same set up as the glabbit tee but, ya know, with a glail instead. The inside mask is a collection of sea shells formed into a face that Glim has named “shelly”, and the outside back is a diagram of a crawl space drawn by one of glim’s favorite artists, @alexswisher.
The capsule also includes two accessory pieces: the Glog Bag is a big ass grey bag thant's about 2 x 2.5 feet, and can fit most of your pantry. The external “Glog” pocket will guard your belongings with the wisdom of 1000 lilly pads. The Critter Cap features all 3 of the crawl space mascots embroidered around the crown and a puff embroidered Glim logo on the front.
Finishing off the collection are the Glog Shorts, lightweight mesh shorts with a purple mesh lining and 'glog green' strings with a Glog print on the left leg. They're pretty much the same as the bag, so just go look at that. If you like it, then get the shorts too!
Critter Cap (O/S) - $60
Glabbit Tee (S-2XL) - $75
Glail Tee (S-2XL) - $75
Glog Shorts (S-2XL) - $80
Glog Bag (O/S) - $120
The Glim "Crawl Space" collection will be available in-store only at Lapstone & Hammer on Wednesday, August 8th @ 10:00am, with a little celebration at the shop from 4pm-7pm that features an open bar. Remaining pairs will be available online next week. Enter the Glimmerverse. Enter the Crawl Space.
photos by @lost.96er
models: @smplmoe, @_meg______________, @julia.renegadeangel