The doors to the Glimmerverse are open once again, do you dare enter a dimension so demented and delightful? "Hell if I know?" And so it goes for Glim, aka musician/designer/Lapstone team member Trenton Calloway, and his fourth cut-and-sew collection entitled "Hell If I Know." Available in-store and online on Saturday, February 1st @ 12:00pm, the capsule consists of two hoodies, a tee, sweatpants, two hats and a scarf all immaculately conceived in the singular Glim aesthetic.
I asked Trenton how he came up with this edition of Glim wear, and what the concept was. This is what he said:
“Hell If I Know” is a phrase that has been ringing through my head for the past year or so. It’s a perfect answer for most of the questions I look up and ask the sky, ya know? I love the classic one liners of yesteryear, like stuff an old guy at the bar will say to you in passing. In august of 2024 I was working on some new music that had a new sound. A lot of the songs are sped up and the overall style is a lot more chaotic, which wasn’t really a conscious choice. When i was listening back on the music it slowly became my favorite body of work, but I was and am worried about the way it would be perceived. Which made me realize I had been worrying about the wrong aspect of all this art stuff. Who cares? This is self expression, we literally call it a release. So I made some clothes that I wanted to wear to match the songs that I wanted to hear because it makes sense to me. I hope that the people
that have similar feelings to me hear it or see the clothes and feel some kind of peace or inspiration or something. I think thats what its all about, but “hell if I know?”